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Tree of Life, Mata ni Pachedi painting by Bhanu Bhai Chittara


Size : Small
Dimensions : H: 10 (in) by W: 10 (in)
Medium : Natural Colors on Cloth
Availability: In Stock
SKU: MM0740 Categories: , , , ,

Renowned artist Bhanu Bhai Chittara’s “The Immortal Tree of Life” Mata Ni Pachedi Painting is a mesmerizing piece that weaves together the tapestry of Hindu mythology, the vibrant spectrum of colors, and intricate patterns into a visual symphony. This awe-inspiring artwork pays homage to the sacred Tree of Life, known as the Akshaya Vat, which stands as a symbol of the divine Trimurti: Lord Brahma, the creator; Lord Vishnu, the preserver; and Lord Shiva, the destroyer. Beneath the sprawling branches of this immortal tree, two Birds of Paradise find their perch, adding a touch of mystique to the narrative. The painting gracefully marries the realms of life and death, earthly existence and the heavens, as its roots delve deep into the underworld, while the trunk rises boldly towards the sky. Chittara’s work is a vivid reminder of the delicate interdependence of life on Earth – a harmonious relationship between flora and fauna, a vivid testimony that one cannot thrive without the other. Through a rich tapestry of colors, patterns, and motifs, this artwork encapsulates a profound message, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricate dance of existence itself.

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    Tree of Life, Mata ni Pachedi painting by Bhanu Bhai Chittara