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Spinning Threads of Freedom: Mahatama Gandhi’s Charkha


Size : Small
Dimensions : Size: A5, H: 5.8 (in) | W: 8.3 (in)
Medium : Natural Colors on Paper
Availability: In Stock

In this captivating Warli painting, artist Dilip Bahota pays tribute to the iconic figure of Mahatma Gandhi through the portrayal of his profound connection to the charkha (spinning wheel). The painting beautifully captures the essence of Gandhi’s philosophy of self-sufficiency, nonviolence, and social equality.

At the center of the composition stands Mahatma Gandhi, depicted in the distinctive Warli style, with his hand gently guiding the charkha. The intricate lines and patterns bring life to the scene, portraying Gandhi’s deep concentration and inner peace as he spins threads of freedom and unity.

Adorned with a scarf draped over his shoulder, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to truth and justice, Gandhi exudes a sense of simplicity and humility. The colors used in the painting reflect the earthy tones often associated with Warli art, representing the groundedness and harmony Gandhi sought to instill in society.

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    Spinning Threads of Freedom: Mahatama Gandhi’s Charkha