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A Warli Village, Warli Art by Dilip Bahotha


Size : Small
Dimensions : H: 5 (in) | W: 7 (in)
Medium : Natural Colors on Cotton
Availability: In Stock

In this captivating Warli Art creation by Dilip Bahotha, a picturesque Warli Village comes to life. At the heart of the painting stands a prominent Tree, serving as both a physical resource and a spiritual symbol. The Tree not only provides the Warli people with essential practical benefits like shade, shelter, and sustenance but also holds deep cultural significance. Surrounding the Tree, human figures engage in various activities, from farming to leisurely strolls, highlighting the vital connection between the villagers and the ecosystem they rely upon. The artwork beautifully captures the harmony and interdependence of all living beings. The traditional Warli dwellings, depicted in the painting, serve as more than just human shelters. They represent a way of life where the tribals coexist harmoniously with nature, even sharing their living space with animals. These humble abodes symbolize the community’s commitment to protective living, aligning with the inherent laws of nature.

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    A Warli Village, Warli Art by Dilip Bahotha