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Royal Tray: Tarkashi art by Mohan Lal Sharma


Size : Medium
Dimensions : H: 5 (in) | W: 8 (in)

Availability: In Stock

In Mohan Lal Sharma’s Tarkashi artistry, a royal tray unfolds as a masterpiece of meticulous craftsmanship and regal splendor. This opulent creation captures the essence of aristocracy through a symphony of intricate metal inlay and traditional design.
The tray’s surface is a canvas adorned with an array of ornate patterns, expertly crafted from delicate brass wires and sheets. Sharma’s skillful hands have given life to an interplay of geometric precision and floral motifs, each detail weaving a narrative of grandeur. The regal aura is heightened by the artist’s strategic use of brass, casting a warm glow that exudes richness and sophistication.
As you trace the patterns on the tray, a sense of timeless elegance unfolds. The Tarkashi technique, deeply rooted in Indian heritage, is elevated to new heights under Sharma’s craftsmanship. The amalgamation of intricate detailing and grand design pays homage to the rich cultural tapestry from which this art form draws inspiration.

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Royal Tray: Tarkashi art by Mohan Lal Sharma