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Imagery of a king smoking hookah: Phad by Kalyan Joshi


Size : Small
Dimensions : H: 10(in) by W: 10(in)
Medium : Natural Colors on Paper

Availability: In Stock
SKU: MM2519 Categories: ,

Renowned Phad artist, Kalyan Joshi impressively characterizes a man wearing a crown, smoking a hookah, and being accompanied by maids with tree motifs in his artwork. The man wearing a crown suggests that he is of noble or royal lineage, representing a king, prince, or wealthy aristocrat. The presence of maids attending to him emphasizes his status and importance. Smoking a hookah was historically associated with relaxation, leisure, and luxury in many cultures, including India. It symbolizes the man’s leisurely lifestyle, wealth, and the indulgence of his desires. The inclusion of tree motifs in Phad art often has deeper symbolic meanings. In this context, the tree motifs symbolize abundance, prosperity, or the continuity of a noble lineage. Phad art typically draws inspiration from the cultural heritage and traditions of Rajasthan. The depiction of a man with these elements reflects the opulent lifestyles of the aristocracy and their association with art and leisure.

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Imagery of a king smoking hookah: Phad by Kalyan Joshi