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Celestial Harmony: The Ethereal Ardh-Nareshwar Shiva’s Face Paper Mache by Keshab Maharana


Size : Small
Dimensions : H: 6 in, W: 3.5 in
Medium : Natural Stone Color on Paper Mache

Availability: In Stock

Relish the transcendent beauty of this Paper Mache Vivid White and Sky-blue Ardh-Nareshwar Shiva’s Face, a captivating masterpiece that breathes life into the ancient art of Paper Mache. This extraordinary creation seamlessly blends artistry, mythology, and vibrant color theory to deliver an awe-inspiring experience. Every stroke of the artist’s hand tells a tale, as the Paper Mache artform reveals the fascinating story of Ardh-Nareshwar, the divine amalgamation of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The sculpture’s vivid white hue symbolizes purity and divine energy, while the enchanting sky-blue adds an ethereal touch, representing the boundless sky and eternal serenity. Dip deeper into the art form and you’ll discover meticulously crafted patterns and motifs adorning the sculpture, reflecting the rich cultural heritage from which it originates. Each intricately designed element, meticulously shaped by hand, conveys the harmonious union of male and female energies. The artistry behind this artwork is an homage to the ancient technique of Paper Mache, an art form with roots that trace back centuries. The artist skillfully molds layers of paper, crafting a robust structure that acts as a canvas for artistic expression.

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    Celestial Harmony: The Ethereal Ardh-Nareshwar Shiva’s Face Paper Mache by Keshab Maharana