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Radiant Glory: The Yellow Tiger Face by Keshab Maharana


Size : Small
Dimensions : H: 12 in, W: 6 in
Medium : Natural Stone Color on Paper Mache

Availability: In Stock

Delve into the artful fusion of ancient craftsmanship and modern aesthetics, as this Paper Mache Vivacious Yellow Tiger Face adorns your space with its ablazing splendor. This extraordinary piece showcases the artistic prowess of Paper Mache, a craft that dates back centuries, hailing from diverse cultural traditions. With meticulous attention to detail, the vibrant yellow hues of the tiger’s face breathe life into the canvas, captivating viewers with its striking beauty. As color theory dictates, yellow signifies optimism, vitality, and courage, exuding an aura of warmth and positivity. Each intricately crafted pattern and motif found on this masterpiece further highlights the rich heritage and symbolic significance embedded within. Drawing inspiration from the majestic tiger, these elements narrate stories of power, protection, and grace, inviting onlookers to explore the depths of their own imagination. Let this embodiment of artistry ignite conversations, inspire creativity, and transport you to a world where beauty knows no bounds.

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    Radiant Glory: The Yellow Tiger Face by Keshab Maharana